
Workaround for missing apps released in case Creators Update


    Microsoft recently launched the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Basically, the start has gone quite well, there are only a few problems. Microsoft has now published a workaround for the Answers Forum.

    Windows 10

    Some users noticed missing apps after upgrading to Windows 10 version 1709 aka Case Creators Update. Applications were simply installed with errors, are not displayed and did not start. The error image is not uniform but can be reproduced. It is still unknown what exactly is the case. Microsoft has now published workarounds through a support staff in the Microsoft Answers forum, which allows users to repair their apps.

    Users complained in the forum

    In the Answers, Community has previously accumulated reports about the problem.

    As it appears, the bug basically causes some apps from the Windows 10 startup menu to disappear from the list of installed applications. It is sometimes only an app, sometimes there are several. Some users do not notice it until after some time. If you look for yourself in the Microsoft Store, it says there the corresponding apps would be very probably installed on the system of the user.

    They can be partially started out of the Microsoft store then also start – but then only from there.

    Repair or reset the missing apps:

    • Open Settings and select Apps.
    • Under “Apps & Features”, look for the name of the missing app. Click the app and select “Advanced Options” (if available).
    • If a repair option is available, click Repair. If this option is not available or if the problem is not resolved by repair, you can also try the Reset option.
    • After completion of the repair or resets, the program should appear again in the app list and can be attached to the start menu.

    Uninstall and reinstall missing apps

    • Open Settings and select Apps.
    • Under “Apps & Features”, look for the name of the missing app. Click on the app and select Uninstall.
    • Open the store and reinstall the missing app. After installation, the application should appear in the app list and can be pasted to the Start menu.

    Register the missing applications using PowerShell

    • If you’ve noticed many missing apps, advanced users can also try to restore all apps at once with the following PowerShell commands. However, be aware that if steps 1 and 2 have already been attempted, and your missing applications have not been restored, this PowerShell solution is unlikely to be successful.
    • Type PowerShell into the Cortana search box. In the search results, right-click Windows PowerShell and select “Run as administrator.”
    • In the Powershell window, type the following commands. These steps may take a few minutes.
    • reg delete “HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ TileDataMigration \ TileStore” / va / f
    • get-appxpackage -packageType bundle |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($ _. installlocation + “\ appxmetadata \ appxbundlemanifest.xml”)}}
    • $ bundlefamilies = (get-appackage -packagetype bundle). package family name
    • get-appxpackage -packagetype main |? {-not ($ bundlefamilies -contains $ _. packagefamilyname)} |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($ _.installlocation + “\ appxmanifest .xml”)}
    • Once the PowerShell commands are complete, the applications should be displayed again in the app list and then attached to the Start menu.

    Do you have the problem even with the case Creators Update? Please report your attempts to rescue the apps and share with us your experiences on the workarounds suggested by Microsoft.

    I am Blogger and content writer at QuickHax. I write/edit about how-to tips, tutorials especially on Social Networks, Android, iPhone, Computer, the Internet etc.


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