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How to control the volume of the mobile from the touch screen


    Today we will help you solve one of the most everyday problems that we find smartphone users. That hard moment when our little terminal of no more than 5 inches begins to complicate our life with its first failures. One of those mistakes today we will take it forward and give more useful life to your phone. It is no other than the physical volume control keys get stuck and stop working, how difficult it is to change the volume settings of the mobile without these three small side buttons.

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    With the VolumeSlider application, we can forget about these problems, it is a free application that we will find without problem in the google store. Let’s see what steps we have to follow to adjust our terminal to this fantastic APP.

    First steps

    The first and most obvious step is to download the application, we can use two different ways: first and simpler, looking at the Google APP store and the second somewhat more complicated, searching the APK of the application on the internet and downloading it directly To our terminal.

    The first time we start VolumeSlider to handle the volume of the mobile we will see a thin blue line on the right side with a popup window that tells us how to use the application with our terminal. Sliding your finger on this bar we will be adjusting the volume of our terminal without using the physical buttons. When we close the dialogue the blue bar will stop appearing.


    User Settings

    After all, this comes the important thing, the configuration that each user wants to perform, here we can choose whether to change the touch bar for the volume settings, if we want it to vibrate when making the volume changes or some extra configuration you can have Some additional cost. There are several sound options that we can modify, notifications, calls or system, all without using more applications or the physical buttons of our terminal.

    After devoting the necessary time to configure it to our liking, we are ready to vary the volume of the mobile from the screen. We go directly to the main desktop of our terminal and slide your finger on the selected side in the settings, making this gesture we will see how a small message appears at the bottom of the screen marking the current volume.

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    To enjoy

    Small applications such as VolumeSlider can get us out of trouble and make it easier for us to use our phones, it is a 100% advisable application that can save us a lot of trouble and some other €.

    Developer: clownFace
    Price: Free+
    Varun Kesari
    Blogger | Youtuber | Music lover | Tech enthusiastic | Proud To be INDIAN


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