Enough of juggling with language. Twitter has just set a new character limit for everyone: 280. Since the beginning of its time, back in March 2006, Twitter has always had the same character limitation.
Users who wanted to participate in this short social network by definition had to always stick to a very specific number of characters: 140. Tweets of 280 characters arrived.
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And it is today when this amount is doubled. The tests started a week ago for a user redoubt. Thus, since September of this same year, Twitter has had the opportunity to rehearse how the tweets of 280 characters worked.
How to write 280-character tweets on Twitter
You really do not have to do anything, other than design a tweet that has 280 characters. Easy, right? The first time you use it unless you are very clear about what you have to say, it may be that 280 characters seem a lot to you.
In fact, it is more likely that accustomed to shortening terms and save the most in your expressions, now you can write all the letters of the words. And your texts will surely gain wealth.
To write tweets of 280 characters from your Twitter application on your mobile, do the following:
1. Open the Twitter application. When you’re in and you’ve read the tweets that interest you, hit the blue button to write a new tweet. You have it at the bottom of the screen.
Keep in mind that to enjoy the new limit of 280 characters, you will not have to update the application. In principle, this will be available to everyone without downloading anything.
2. Write your first tweet of 280 characters. What you will see on the screen as you write will be a wheel that will be filled with blue as you write. When you are in the last 20, the wheel will turn yellow, a sign that you are approaching the limit of 280.
3. Finished your first longer tweet, you just have to hit the Tweet button. And ready!
In the event that you are tweeting through the web, you will have to do exactly the same. The operation is identical, but with the support of a larger screen.
280. The end of originality on Twitter?
And although for many, the least savers (in characters), this is excellent news, some have already put their hands in the lead. They think that the implementation of this new limit of 280 characters will be the end of originality on Twitter.
They say that until now, the user was forced to be brief and original. However, Twitter ensures that all these prejudices are totally unfounded. A graphic As Android Police account, the graph you see above is the explanation of everything.
According to Twitter, with the limitation of 140 characters, 9% of tweets exceed the amount. However, with the implementation of the 280 characters, and after having done several tests since September, it is confirmed that only 1% of the tweets exceed the limit.
Other measures to take better advantage of tweets
The extension of tweets to 280 characters is the most radical measure that Twitter has implemented in recent times. Much earlier, back in 2016, the people in charge of the social network implemented other novelties with which they wanted the user to be able to take more advantage of the old 140.
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Thus, links, photos and other elements that were incorporated into a tweet stopped computing as characters. This allowed users to enjoy 140 characters in full to make their exhibitions. And the truth is that it was appreciated.