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How to hide an album in the photo gallery of a Samsung mobile

    hide album

    The Samsung gallery is one of the most interesting applications on the company’s mobile devices. It has a very nice and intuitive design. As well as very interesting functions. Here we can find good editing features, effects, collages, and even, synchronization with our Samsung account. This application compatible with all Samsung devices has been updated to a new function.

    Before showing you the new feature, we must mention that the gallery is grouped into three sections. The first is ‘Images’, where all the images sorted by capture time are displayed. ‘Albums’, where all the albums created automatically and manually appear and the category ‘Stories’, where automatically, small video clips are formed based on location or events. The new feature can be used in albums, and it is nothing more and nothing less than hiding those that we do not want to be displayed. As we mentioned, most of them are created automatically.

    How to hide one or more albums from the gallery

    hide album

    To be able to hide an album, it is necessary to have the last update of the application. For this, we will have to go to ‘Galaxy Apps’, the Samsung application store. We go to the three points in the upper right are and click on the ‘My applications’ category. Once inside, click on the update option and the gallery application will appear.

    Once updated, we can go to the app. We go to the section ‘Albums’ and click on the three points in the top right. You will see that there is an option called ‘Hide albums’. If we click, the list of albums that can be hidden will appear. We must emphasize that they only allow us to hide those that are not essential. That is, the albums of the device such as ‘Camera, Screenshots or Downloads’ will not let us hide.

    But for example an album with Instagram downloads. We just have to select the album and click on the hide button. Now that album will remain hidden in your gallery. To restore it again, you have to go back to the hide and deselect the option.

    Varun Kesari
    Blogger | Youtuber | Music lover | Tech enthusiastic | Proud To be INDIAN


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