The BestHow to Have an iCloud Account on Your AndroidIf you had an iPhone and you have decided that the Samsung Galaxy S8, the OnePlus 5 or any other flagship presented this ... By Varun KesariSeptember 23, 20170
The BestHow to increase your iPhone battery with iOS 11IOS 11 is one of the most anticipated updates on iPhone as it will change quite the way you handle the mobile. Today, ... By Varun KesariSeptember 22, 20170
The BestThe Google Play Services App Has Stopped, How Can I Fix It?“The Google Play Services app has been stopped,” a message many users have received at some point on their smartphone, which will prevent ... By Varun KesariSeptember 22, 20170
The BestHow to Manage Battery Consumption in Android 7.0 NougatOne of the most headache problems has caused Google is the battery consumption of its operating system, especially if compared to its main ... By Varun KesariSeptember 22, 20170
The BestHow to control the volume of the mobile from the touch screenToday we will help you solve one of the most everyday problems that we find smartphone users. That hard moment when our little terminal ... By Varun KesariSeptember 22, 20170
The BestHow to improve the sound of any Android (with and without root)Although miracles cannot be done, the chip that controls the sound of our terminal is what it is and its speakers are what ... By Varun KesariSeptember 22, 20170
The BestAndroid Smartphone Not Charging | 8 Tricks to Solve Battery Not Charging ProblemsNot the best, but rather it happens now and again. You Might have an issue with the charging of Android on your cell ... By Varun KesariSeptember 20, 20170
The most effective method to make Google chrome speedier and settle blunders without reinstallingSeptember 25, 2017
This way you can organize the photos of your Telegram after the last updateJanuary 25, 20235446 views